TROOSTMUZIEK On Children - Astrid Seriese

Your children
are not your children
they are the sons and daughters
of life's longing for itself

They come through you
but they are not from you
and though they are with you
they belong not to you

You can give them your love
but not your thoughts
they have their own thoughts
they have their own thoughts

You can house their bodies
but not their souls
for their souls dwell
in a place of tomorrow

Which you cannot visit
not even in your dreams
you can try to be like them
but you cannot make them just like you

Try to be like them
try to be like them
try to be like them
try to be like them

For your children
are not your children
they are the sons and daughters
of life's longing for itself

Give them your love
and love you house this souls
for this souls dwell
in a place of tomorrow

Your children
are not your children
they are the sons and daughters
of life's longing
of life's longing
for itself

Astrid Seriese componeerde de muziek van On Children voor de documentaireserie
De kinderen van De Hondsberg, uitgezonden in 1998. De oorspronkelijke tekst komt uit De Profeet van
Kahlil Gibran (hoofdstuk Kinderen).  Zie ook troostboek.

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